I was recently sent a meme by a friend that said, “I’m giving up drinking for a month. Sorry bad punctuation. I’m giving up. Drinking for a month.” Ah the difference punctuation makes. It is meant to be funny. However, in terms of mental health, it couldn’t be more serious. Details impact your mental and […]
We live in a part of the world where the topic of sex is… a bit taboo. Yet we know how much it impacts our relationships, our health, and our happiness. So we have to talk about it folks. Gratefully, we are still safe: as it turns out, we don’t have to talk about the […]
I’ve been in the Christian church all my life, including serving several different churches in pastoral or clergy roles for some 25 years. Over the years, I’ve walked alongside countless parishioners who experienced religious trauma in various forms. To be honest, I experienced it myself. Religious trauma occurs more subtly that we realize, yet results […]
Would you like to have a more healthy approach to the holiday season this year? Try these things: End a quarrel with a friend or relative. Seek out a forgotten friend or relative. Strive for perfection. Be happy with excellence. Explore the idealism you place on yourself and others. Dismiss suspicion and replace it […]
The holidays can bring out the best in you. Sometimes, they can bring out your worst. Take the opportunity this year to better communicate with friends and loved ones. One of the greatest gifts you can give others is the ability to care for yourself and self-soothe when your emotions are triggered by the holidays […]
If you struggle with anxiety and depression, emotional episodes typically heighten during the holidays. Here are just a few ways to help you regulate your emotions this year. Know your triggers and be prepared to regulate your thoughts and emotions. Certain people, memories, or traditions can connote negative emotions during the holidays. These emotions are […]
When we experience trauma (and we all do) a piece of ourselves stays behind to remember. A wonderful adaptation that helped us to survive in that moment. However, that piece, often disconnected from our conscious awareness, is like a puppet master: pulling the strings and causing reactionary behavior. We often feel powerless to these reactionary […]
3-Minute Body Scan Meditation to Cultivate Mindfulness A brief mindfulness meditation practice will relax your body and focus your mind. Along with breathing, it is one of the best tools to manage anxiety and stress. Here is one way you can learn how: Time required 10-45 minutes, three to six days per week for four […]
I’ve had the privilege of providing Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) over 600 times for clients at Revitalist in the last year. Over 70 percent of people suffering from treatment resistant depression responded positively to the low dose, slow infusions. The results are even higher with a counselor. However, at Revitalist, we noticed that more was […]
Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. -Brene Brown In today’s culture, vulnerability is viewed as weakness. In counseling, vulnerability provides […]