So many people I work with are expression anxiety and exhaustion from living in our new and altered state of worldwide pandemic. Whether from fear of contracting the virus, a loved one in a compromised state contracting it, or lack of social interaction, people are more anxious and depressed than a year ago.

So how do you deal with it? In an article from The Gottman Institute, they make these suggestions:

In this episode of Lovett or Leave It from April, Dr. Ali Mattu offers six self-care tips to cope with coronavirus anxiety. These tips still apply, and can apply to the blanket feeling of overwhelm many are still facing:

  1. Be compassionate toward yourself — it’s okay to not be okay.
  2. Develop a routine — engage with certain anchor points or actions throughout the day to help ground you.
  3. Consume media that helps you detach from reality — take a break from what is overwhelming you. It’s okay to distract yourself.
  4. Solve problems in your everyday life — doing this can help remove small barriers that can add up and increase a feeling of overwhelm.
  5. Be grateful for the things that you have — it can help lift your spirits and the spirits of those who receive your gratitude.
  6. Share how you are struggling — everyone is struggling in some way or another right now. Suffering is universal and it can be helpful to connect with people who can empathize.

You are not alone, share your struggles with others near you. Admitting to them, and to yourself, that things are hard or that you feel overwhelmed can be scary. But once you share your experience, you are opening up the door for them to do the same.


Emotional Intelligence Will Get You through COVID Stress and Beyond

Photo by Finn on Unsplash