In 2008, a video surfaced on YouTube entitled Where the Hell Is Matt? Almost 52 million views later, it still brings me boundless joy to watch.  If you want to know more about it, here is the website.

The song resides on my playlist and I return to the video often when I need some joy in my life.  Trust me.  Watching it will bring a smile to your face and it will lift your spirit. Go on. Try not to smile and feel good.

How can 52 million people be wrong?

What is it about this video?  Beyond the obvious, it includes several elements required to develop a healthy brain:


Music is one of the best tools to help develop a healthy and balanced brain because it involves both logic and creative sides of your brain as you match words, rhythm, and notes.



Exercise or movement of any kind sends endorphins to your brain that calm and cool it, helping you find balance.  Most people in the video flail about laughing, full of joy because the movement can be utterly freeing and induces those chemicals our brains need.



Another fine way to get dopamine to your brain for balance is by smiling and laughing.  Go back and watch the video again.  I bet you can’t find ONE person not smiling or laughing.  Ok.  The soldier in the Demilitarized Zone…but that’s it.

And how can Buddy the Elf be wrong?



We are created for social interaction.  The brain is social.  If I smile at you, you feel good. If I frown, you wonder what went wrong. Additionally, when you have an open-minded, nonjudgmental, nondualistic dialogue with people, you increase your emotional intelligence. These positive interactions release the pleasure chemical, oxytocin, helping you find balance and happiness.


So what do you get when you combine music, laughter, smiling, dancing, movement, social interaction, and just plain flailing about? All the chemicals your brain needs to feel calm, cool, and balanced.

As Matt’s videos demonstrate, the world is too big and beautiful to get lost in darkness.  Laugh, smile, dance, sing, travel, flail, and be social!  And don’t be surprised if you find me dancing and flailing about ridiculously the next time you see me.