Pursuit of Happiness

Happy Fourth of July!  OUR DECLARATION As Americans, one of the reasons we observe July 4th is to commemorate and celebrate our many freedoms as a country and as individuals.  Our Declaration of Independence states our basic rights as human being derived from that freedom; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Before it was […]

Sorry…Not Sorry

Do you ever find yourself over apologizing?  Saying “I’m sorry” for things you really shouldn’t? Sorry to trouble you.  Sorry I’m not making any sense. Sorry I’m rambling. Sorry I’m always late.  Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. People do it often and women more than men. Watch this comic look from Amy Schumer: https://vimeo.com/253499468   THE POWER […]

Why is My Heart in My Brain?

When we speak of emotion like love, sadness, or joy, we often say it comes from our hearts.  Well, in the words of Dwight K. Schrute, “FALSE!”   Emotions come from the limbic system.  And knowing this fact can help you manage your emotions more effectively.       See…Dwight says so!    INSIDE OUT – […]

Common Human Fallacy

OTHERS ARE NOT THE SOURCE OF OUR HAPPINESS Human beings require social interaction to remain mentally and emotionally healthy.  One of the fallacies of humankind insists that our value comes from being loved or being loveable.  It suggests being in a relationship makes you valuable.  A formula like that insinuates others are the source of […]

Finding You

Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in? During Season 3 of NBC’s This Is Us, Kevin Pearson spoke with his niece about the topic.  What he said resonated with me. “I think we go through this life slowly but surely, just collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can’t really live without until […]